MAP Method (TM) System
Train Your Brain to Heal Itself
The MAP Method ™ (Make Anything Possible) is a scientifically validated technique that helps dissolve limiting beliefs, neutralize fears, overcome stress and anxiety, and stop self-sabotaging behaviours.
It does all this in a fast, easy, gentle way that produces results that are long-term and often permanent, due to the rewiring of the brain.
The MAP Method ™ trains your brain to do all the work while you calmly sit and relax. MAP is new in the neuroscience field and is producing amazing results!
Instructing the Brain
MAP is a method that trains the brain to heal itself. The brain literally rewires the circuits in its own brain, by itself, on command. By giving a command to the brain, the brain decides to rewire and upgrade itself.
MAP allows people to unlearn unwanted behaviors, subconscious beliefs, memories, trauma, patterns, phobias, or anything…. anything you want to give the brain. The brain is able to unwire and rewire in a more positive way.
Using this process, we leverage the latest discovery in neuroscience, the Window of Reconsolidation.

Memories Can Be Changed

In the year 2000, Dr. Karim Nader, PhD, neuroscience researcher at the University of McGill in Montreal discovered that under certain circumstances long term memories can be changed.
It was previously thought long term memories were hard wired in the brain and could not be altered.
The Window of Reconsolidation articulates when we recall a memory, there is a window of time where the synapses of the neurons pull apart and we can change (reconsolidate) that memory before the neurons restore that memory.
Rewiring the Brain Made Simple
With new information, the brain can see the discrepancy of two versions and see that maybe it is time to upgrade this memory.
With a MAP instruction we can guide the brain to rewire something new. There is no need to recall exactly which memory, no need to talk about the memory and no need for a hypnotic state.
We train the brain to find and neutralize painful memories thereby leveraging Window of Reconsolidation.

Measured Results

Neuroscientist Dr. Deloreto conducted a QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) while a MAP session was in progress.
The results showed three structures across 40 brain wave channels changed. All involved in memory, emotion and stress regulation.
“I was absolutely floored when I saw these results.” – Dr. Dominique DeLoreto