Serene Tranquillity

Serving Australia & New Zealand Online from the Gold Coast

Emotional Freedom Technique AKA Tapping

Tap away your worries

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is also known as Tapping. Tapping is described as a combination of Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It used to be thought that the brain was hard wired.  It is now known that the brain has plasticity, or the ability to change and remold.  


Clients tap on meridian endings while telling their story. The combination of tapping and talking stops the stress response and retrains the brain to act and react differently. Tapping quickly reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol equating to rapid stress relief.

Amazing Results

Tapping is relatively new to the healing realm and is having amazing results.  Some of those areas include: headaches and migraines, chronic pain, grief, childhood trauma, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, physical conditions, fibromyalgia, weight problems, financial difficulties, relationship issues, fear of public speaking, limiting beliefs, stress, sport psychology and more.

Serene Tranquillity headache relief