Reiki Healing
What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a combination of two Japanese words. Rei, meaning Universal Life Force and ki, meaning energy. Put together Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy.
Reiki is an ancient and simple system of healing that transmits energy through the practitioner’s hands. Reiki works on four levels – physical, spiritual, mental and emotional.
Some instances where Reiki would be used is to ease discomfort of chronic illness, pre- and post- operative recovery of medical and dental procedures, rehabilitation of stroke, heart attack, broken bones, etc and aides in the withdrawal of addictive substances and behaviors.
As well as energizing and relaxing the body, Reiki improves the feeling of well being, memory, learning ability, creativity, sports performance, builds self confidence and promotes self esteem. Reiki can be used on any thing, any time, any where.
How Reiki Works
Reiki is a technique that aides the body in releasing stress and tension creating deep relaxation. It gently opens blocked meridians (energy channels), nadas (energy rivers) and chakras (energy centres) leaving one feeling relaxed and at peace.
Reiki also utilizes the body’s nervous system to transmit energy through out it.
The practitioner calls upon the Reiki energy and through their hands transmits it to the client. Reiki energy is known as “intelligent energy” because it comes from the Universe and so know where to go in the body and what to do.
Reiki energy is of the Love/Light vibration, the highest level of vibration. Disease and illness vibrate at low frequencies. The practitioner holds the space of high vibration so that the body can entrain to the higher frequency, promoting rest and relaxation.

What Happens During a Reiki Session

Before a Reiki session starts, the desired outcome or intention is discussed with the client. It is determined whether the client wished to have hands on their body or slightly off.
During the session the client lays on a massage table, or bed, fully clothed, without shoes. Loose, comfortable clothing and white socks are required.
The practitioner floods the client’s body using a specific order of hand positions. The hand positions encompass the whole body from head to toe. Then any specific areas the client has identified in the Exploratory session are worked on.
It is important to note that the practitioner does not do the healing. The practitioner is the facilitator between the client and the energy. It is the client’s acceptance of the Reiki energy that determines the amount of healing that takes place. Therefore, it is important that the client have no fears or misgivings associated with the healing.
Skepticism is OK. Belief that the energy will work is not required. All the client must do is to be open, willing to receive and allow the healing to happen. Any concerns in this regard are discussed before the sessions starts.
Universal Life Force Energy places the person in the best possible place to allow physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.
Quiet, Soothing and Relaxing
Once a Reiki session has started there is minimal communication between the client and practitioner. There is no unnecessary talking or thinking. This allows the client to enter deep relaxation and therefore, achieve the best outcomes. It also allows the practitioner to fully tune into and concentrate on the client. The session is approximately one hour long.

How Does Reiki Feel

Reiki is powerful yet feels like warm, gentle sunshine. Afterwards the client feels energised and relaxed.
Reiki is not associated with any religion or belief. It can enhance any spiritual practice you do participate in. It is safe for every one of all ages and situations.
Distant Reiki
While Reiki is usually performed in person, it can be done when the client and practitioner are not in the same location. The distance between has no bearing on the effect of the session.
In this case, the two are connected via video or a photo and a specified time. The session takes place as it would in person. The effects can be as powerful or more so as in person. This works on the same principle as praying for someone, that is your energies are connected and so affect each other. Book your session here.